
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Open Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Open - Research Paper Example Qualifications wise the board is a mix of innovators and researchers. The board comprises two PhD holders and key personalities like Robert A. Iger the current CEO and president of The Walt Disney Company (Apple Inc., 2013b). The combination of innovation and research gives Apple’s Board the leadership qualities that are needed for consumer electronics business. Research provides Apple with access to the latest technology while innovation provides the company’s products with the competitive edge over its rivals. The board can take decisions based on both technology and innovation. 2. Committees the board sits on: The board at Apple Inc. sits on three committees: Audit and Finance, Compensation and Nominating and Corporate Governance. The Audit and Finance committee is responsible for maintaining the financial matters of the company. Moreover the committee looks after the audit system, performs risk management and also looks after the security of the data. Financial matt ers are of great importance to Apple Inc. and to make sure that the committee functions at optimum efficiency the members of the committee are some of the brilliant minds of the leading companies in the world (Apple Inc., 2011a). The second committee is Compensation committee whose main purpose is to design incentive plans for the company. In addition to designing the Committee can also review and modify any incentive plan as it sees fit. The committee has three members with Andrea Jung being the chairperson for the Committee (Apple Inc., 2013a). The third Committee is Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee whose sole responsibility is to nominate candidates for the Board of Directors at Apple Inc. In addition the committee can advise the Board of Directors regarding matters of governance. The committee comprises three members and William V. Campbell is appointed as the Chairperson of the Committee (Apple Inc., 2011). 3. Management at Apple Inc: Most of the individuals workin g for Apple have been working with the company since its formation. There are a few who joined shortly after Steve Jobs was made the CEO at Apple Inc. in 1997 (Apple Inc., 2013d). The management team is a relatively experienced one with people who have worked with some of the greatest companies in the world. One such example is Craig Federighi the Senior Vice President at the company. Federighi worked for NeXT Inc. and Ariba before working for Apple in 2009. NeXT Inc. and Ariba were one of the most popular IT companies of their time. Federighi is just one example of the many experienced individuals working for the management of Apple Inc. (Lowensohn, 2011). 4. Board’s Philosophy on Executive Compensation: Executive compensation at Apple Incorporation is determined by the Compensation Committee which comprises 4 non-employee directors of the company. As per the â€Å"Definitive Proxy Statement†, the executive compensation program of the company includes awarding Restric ted Stock Units (RSU) to all executive members of the company (Apple Inc., 2013d). However, the RSUs were not awarded to one executive member, Timothy Cook, who was promoted to the CEO of the company. In addition, the Compensation committee also has established a sound basis for determining the remuneration and bonuses for executive members of the company. As for instance, the Committee considers a number of factors while evaluating the remuneration and bonuses of the executive members, which include: Competitive Market

Monday, October 28, 2019

Philosophy of Education for Foundations of Education Essay Example for Free

Philosophy of Education for Foundations of Education Essay Introduction Education is an ongoing process based upon experience. The old adage you learn something new everyday is very true, and nothing fascinates me more than simply talking to other people; you can learn so much from them. Education is the foundation of our American society, and the children of today are the future of our country, but educating them is not enough; we must be good role models and present a system of morals and values in our classrooms. Our objective in education is directly related to the social sciences in that the classroom is a microcosm of our society. As teachers we try to prepare our students for real-world situations. Interacting socially, communicating effectively and understanding other peoples emotions, feelings and points of view will help our students blossom into productive and understanding adults. Howard Gardner wrote about multiple intelligences, which I think is a huge step in improving the classroom environment and lesson plans to include ways that everyone can learn (Tomlinson, 2002). He identified eight different ways to be smart that traditional IQ tests would not show. This model allows students to excel in these categories through different types of instruction, such as verbal ability, referred to as the linguistic intelligence, or the ability to play an instrument, referred to as the musical intelligence (Johnson et al. , 2005). My classroom will be entertaining, first and foremost. I understand the material I am teaching elementary school children, but delivering that material effectively depends on how they feel about school. Motivating children and getting them excited about learning is not always easy, but it is a key ingredient to a successful classroom. As a male entering the elementary education field I understand my role as a possible father figure (Kindlon and Thompson, 1999) and recognize the importance. I want to make a difference in the world, and I see no better way than through the efforts of education. Definition of Philosophy From the perspective of a future educator, I see myself identifying with the qualities of existentialism the most. This theory can be hard to explain at times because it relies so heavily on the meaning we impose on our lives through education, an idea that cannot be expressed in a limited amount of words and one that differs from individual to individual. Existentialism is routed in the fact that our lives are meaningless; we live in a meaningless world and a meaningless period of time no different than any other. In essence, the quest to find meaning in our lives defines our life. A large part of this view is the idea that we are all free, an idea embraced in America but not typically recognized throughout the world or throughout history. Given this, our freedom allows us to make choices and these choices define us. The goal of the teacher through this philosophy is not to teach freedom, but to embrace it. Tracking, measurement and standardization homogenize the classroom, whereas our goal as teachers is to individualize the classroom and foster a healthy student-teacher relationship. The students feelings are important and we should not compare ourselves to an ideal self but who we actually are, and education is the tool that fills the gaps of understanding this. Because I have yet to become a teacher, I am not quite sure how and in what ways measurement and standardization negatively impact the classroom, but I am aware of the separation and animosity created my tracking. Getting the students to think positively about themselves will foster healthy learning and create a positive self-esteem that will drive them to learn both in the classroom and through questioning on their own. Sparking that fire is the idea behind existentialism, and in a world where we are essentially meaningless, it is up to us as teachers to inspire our students to grasp the freedom they have, bring meaning into their life, and use that excitement to find meaning in all that they do. Also, in sparking critical thinking, students will engage in a thoughtful and reflective process similar to Blooms taxonomy where a number of levels of learning are happening, dependent on how information in the classroom affects them and their existence as well as essence. Another important tool we can use to define our philosophy as a teacher is the Ways of Knowing. I feel like I identify most with the Eastern Way of Knowing, particularly the Chinese thought because of the emphasis on moral development. Understanding facts and theories is important in education, but sometimes it is hard to distinguish what is actually necessary from what is trivial. Preaching morals allows us to respect others, particularly elders, and gain from their knowledge, something that cannot always be taught in the classroom. Also, it will foster a more productive and peaceful society, one that is the best to learn in. Confucianism and Taoism play a large role in this type of knowing as well, and the reliance on harmony can be compared to the need for smooth transitions in the field of education. Although Confucius implemented the need for rules and standards, contradictory to my belief in existentialism, he has influenced society and education in particular for thousands of years. These rules help keep life orderly and efficient, and the success of Chinese government, business and family life can be attributed to this as well as the harmony between the three. Taoism affects the Chinese thought by suggesting that we should leave things alone and not force personal desires onto the way things will naturally occur. This eliminates the need for competition and is more consistent with the existentialist view. Competition can be good in many ways, but when comparing students we must be careful and considerate. There is no place in the classroom for making anyone feel inferior, and I feel more strongly about that than any other aspect of teaching right now. In relation to morals and respect, I will never allow a student to think they are better than any other student, and hopefully using this method will prepare them for life in the real world, where manners and morals can actually take you pretty far. Even if its not for achievement, preaching this will promote self-improvement and a genuine compassion for other students, which is what I strive for in the classroom. Based on the work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and rooted in existentialism, humanism is the educational approach that I fell closest too. Humanism makes the assumption that we are essentially born good and that children enter the world not as a blank slate, but with innate qualities and dispositions. Consistent and nearly identical to existentialism, humanism stresses the role of individualism in the classroom and says that society turns people evil. Group-oriented education is rejected because it weakens the student-teacher relationship, limits self-actualization (based on the students feelings), and measures students as objects, effectively doing away with the individual self. Teachers involving humanism in the classroom look for student interests as guidelines for instruction and assessment and even go as far as letting the students pick the material and activities. Students discover their own opinions through divergent thinking and should not be influenced by the teachers views. Eastern influences on Humanism are also prevalent, as people should be looked at as valuable individuals that deserve respect, not as objects to be manipulated, described by the I-Thou and I-It example, respectively. I am an optimist; the glass is always half full. Therefore, I strongly believe that people are created equally, good and free. Society can have a negative impact on individuals, but it can also have a positive impact. Our goal as teachers is to become that positive force and to let every student know that we care about them as individuals. The book cites how a college classroom can consist of more than one-hundred students, leaving know room for a personal relationship with the professor. One of the main reasons I came to W and J was for that small school feel where I could have a personal relationship with my professors: I feel like I do better in my classes and that I also learn more and feel more confident about my abilities. If we can achieve this goal, rather than making our students just a number, we will truly succeed as educators. References Johnson, J. A. , Musial, D. , Hall, G. E. , Gollnick, D. M. , Dupuis, V. L. (2005). Introduction to the foundations of American education (pp. 448). Boston: Allyn Bacon. Kindlon, D. , Thompson M. (1999). Raising Cain: Protecting the emotional life of boys (pp. 333). New York: Ballentine. Tomlinson, C. A. (2002). Different learners, different lessons. Scholastic Instructor, 9, 21, 24-26, 91.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Free Narrative Essays - Killing Ourselves with Work :: Example Personal Narratives

Killing Ourselves with Work Americans are killing themselves with work. Americans often are sleep deprived, stressed and have problems at home. All of this are most probably caused from over working. I think sleep deprivation is a major problem in the United States. It must make sense that if an American is over working he/she cannot possibly get in the minimum of six hours sleep. Being a college student myself, I often see over worked students sleep through class. These students work and are pressured to keep up good grades. I often here student telling me that they got in about four hours of sleep. If at a college students age, they are sleep deprived, it's logical to think that by the time they hit thirty they will be doing double the workload. Americans are simply not saving themselves from over working. "[N]o labor has been saved," says Juliet B. Schor. To me, being sleep deprived is almost like a vicious cycle: get up for a long day of work, college, family life, or whatever it may be, then people get 5 hours sleep if they're lucky. By the time the next day comes, they're simply too tired to function! from what I have witnessed you simply get student s taking naps in class - not learning! Another problem with Americans over working is the massive stress levels. For many people work alone is often a main source of stress. I know my mom is under a lot of stress to do the house work, spend time with her family and work. According to Schor, "mothers reported it caused either "a lot" or an "extreme" level of stress." To me, this is killing yourself with work. Where's the fun to life? When do we take those relaxing holidays to release stress? Although workers have the option to take a few weeks leave for vacation, I'm hardly convinced many Americans do this. Especially for a married couple, getting time off at the same time must not be an easy task. "Two-earner couples have less time together, says Schor. Consequently, this must cause a great deal of stress for any couple. Exhaustion is another symptom of stress. Many Americans seem to be exhausted at the end of the day.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Why do people committ crime

The three classifications I believe then can be placed into are biological, psychological and sociological. I personally think people commit crimes for a variety of reasons: peer pressure, opportunity, greed, poor moral Judgment and character; They fail to see the benefits of adhering to the law conventional social values; The opinion that everyone commits some type of crime; The more that society perceive a particular criminal behavior as reasonable or acceptable, the less likely that It will be considered evil two prime examples are the legalization of marijuana. r prohibition. Is it biological, hereditary is it in our genes? Is it psychological or due to traits in our personality? Is it due to solicitation – do we learn it, from other people? Is it explained by our bonds to society? Is it because of where you were raised; or is it because of imbalances In our society? Does a lack of religious morals have anything to do with It? I have always been fascinated with why people commit crime in our society we can answer who, what, when and where but the last question why usually goes unanswered and drives us mad!The first category Is biological I know most- illogical theories have faded as society becomes more enlightened. I am saying brain damage, bad genetics, poor diet, and gender. Males are the predominate class of criminal offenders due to aggressive behavior that is encouraged in our society. While I believe some crimes are caused by biological imbalances, I believe there has to be a tipping point from society. The opportunity the victim the time and place and an imbalance in the odds which favor success. Like most detectives, I find the study of psychology of criminal behavior fascinating and the most-dangerous kind of rimming.This leads us to the second part of my theory. The second category I will put forward Is psychological. I think this class or reason to commit a crime Is the worst and most dangerous. I place psychopath and sociopaths in this c ategory. I put people who are Impulsive enjoy the power of controlling others these criminals get a rush of adrenaline high. Serial killers and rapist fall Into this category. Most of these people are loners whether it is due to the nature or nurture. I become criminals. The last category on the list is sociological.I think where you grow p and your socioeconomic status, peer pressure and education make a great deal of difference in whether an individual will become a criminal. Gang fall into this category, petty crime I personally think our prison system makes this worse because all it does is make better criminals. I think most criminals start in this class. This leads me to my theory. My theory after a lifetime in criminal Justice and my education in college is very simple old Caesar Baccarat had it right people weigh the good against the bad, in other words, is a crime worth the time. It all boils down to personal choice.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Related Literature for Inventory System

OUTPUT 1st day/ Saturday Nov. 24, 2012 * Orientation of the students and student teachers and get the final list of official student 2nd day/ Saturday Dec. 1, 2012 * 1st checking the attendance of the students and separate them from (3 – 5),(6 – 8),(9 – 15) 3-5 goes to Carina, Mae and Malabunga 6-8 take in charged by Judith and Canaria while 9-15 handle by Battalier, Quientela and Berdin. 3nd day/ Saturday Dec. 8, 2012 * Teaching the students 4nd day/ Saturday Dec. 15, 2012 * Teaching the students 5nd day/ Saturday Dec. 22, 2012 * Teaching the students 6nd day/ Saturday Dec. 29, 2012 No classes because CWTS and LTS students went to Provincial Jail. 7nd day/ Saturday January 05, 2013 * (Delayed of Christmas Party) Christmas Party of the students was medyo delayed for some reasons. We prepared games, gift and some foods to share. 8nd day/ Saturday January 12, 2013 * Continue of teaching the students 9nd day/ Saturday January 19, 2013 * Teaching the students 10th da y/ Saturday January 26, 2013 * Teaching 11th day/ Saturday February 2, 2013 * Teaching 12th day/ Saturday February 9, 2013 * Teaching 13th day/ Saturday February 16, 2013 * Teaching 14th day/ Saturday February 23, 2013 * Teaching 15th day/ Saturday March 2, 2013 Teaching and finalizing the lessons that we teach and review all the lessons that we teach. And we all talked about their dismissal day in coming next Saturday. 16th day/ Saturday March 9, 2013 * Dismissal day/ party party, we dance and sing and also we eat and saying farewell to our beloved students. Official List of Students 3 – 5 + 0ne 16yrs old who doesn’t even know how to write or read NAMEAGE 1. Rose Anne S. Arciaga 5 2. Eunice Belsa 4 3. Rejhen Dishoso 3 4. Richell Dishoso 4 5. John Lorenz Escoto 3 6. Marian Escoto 4 7. Dale Ikawat 4 8. Marvin Escoto 5 9. Denise Roldan 16 10. Lyka Mae 5 11.John Mel 5 Teachers: Ms. Carina Mae D. Martillos Ms. May G. Abria Ms. Maida R. Malabunga 6 – 8 NAMEAGE 1. Kim N. Abasolo 7 2. Gelli Ann Bonita 6 3. Jillian Bonita 8 4. Defresa Keen Valie 7 5. Christian Ibais 7 6. Jackielyn N. Mallo 8 7. Marilyn Orubia 8 8. Don Edmon Palarca 7 9. Benjie Juares 8 Teachers: Ms. Judith Calajate Ms. Roselyn Canaria 9 – 15 NAMEAGE Female 1. Abasolo, Princess9 2. Beunavidez, Joy12 3. Dacio, Jenny9 4. Dishoso, Desiree9 5. Dishoso, Rosabel12 6. Francisco, Jessica13 7. Magdaog, April11 8. Nario, Jessa12 9. Orubia, Marinel11 10. Resuello, Francia15 11. Resuello, Jhamyca10 12. Romero, Julie Ann10Male 1. Francisco, Daryl A. 11 2. Gonzales, Bryan Paul9 3. Las Pinas, Phillipe Louis12 4. Magdaog, Jaypoy11 5. Rodriguez, Reymart11 6. Roldan, Ivan13 7. Soria, Dexter11 8. Soria, Mico11 9. Tomero, Jomar9 Teachers: Ms. Luningning Battalier Ms. Elleca Jane Berdin Ms. Krizzelle Joy Quientela 3rd / Saturday Duties Battalier prepared the Berdinsnacks Martillos stand as the teacher Abria assistant teacher Malabunga assistant teacher Calajate stand as the teacher Canaria assis tant teacher stand as the teacher assistant teacher Battalier Berdin Quientela 4th / Saturday Martillos prepared the snacksAbria assistant Martillos Teacher Abria assistant teacher Malabunga Calajate stand as the teacher Canaria assistant teacher Teacher Assistant teacher Battalier Berdin Quientela prepared the snacks 5th / Saturday Martillos Malabunga Martillos assistant teacher AbriaTeacher Malabunga assistant teacher Calajate Teacher Canaria Assistant Assistant Teacher Battalier Berdin Quientela 7th / Saturday Battalierprepared the foods Prepared the parlor games Martillos Abria Calajate Berdin Prepared the materials for the parlor games Quientela Canaria Malabunga

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Thou lily-liverd boy!

Thou lily-liverd boy! Thou lily-liverd boy! Thou lily-liverd boy! By Maeve Maddox Maya Gharpure wants to know What does the term lilylivered mean? A lily-livered person is a coward, easily frightened. The term lily-livered is one of many vivid expressions we get from Shakespeare. It may not have originated with him, but his use of the term in the much-performed Macbeth ensured it a place in the language. In Act Five a frightened page rushes onstage to tell Macbeth that 10,000 soldiers are taking up their positions outside his castle. The boy is so terrified that the blood has drained from his face. Realizing that his fate is about to catch up with him, Macbeth attempts to conceal his own terror by lashing out at the boy with a volley of insults directed at the lack of color in his face: Go prick thy face, and over-red thy fear,†¨ Thou lily-liverd boy. What soldiers, patch? Death of thy soul! those linen cheeks of thine†¨ Are counsellors to fear. What soldiers, whey-face? Go prick thy face: go cut your face so as to draw some blood to give it color. Thou lily-liver’d boy: think Easter lily, pure white. Before its functions were understood, the liver was thought to produce blood. A healthy liver would be red, not white. In the theory of â€Å"humors,† the liver governed anger and courage. By shouting angrily at the boy, Macbeth is trying to prove that his own liver is red. those linen cheeks of thine: Macbeth is thinking of white linen. whey-face: whey is the watery part of milk that accumulates during the making of cheese. The boy’s face is not merely white; it’s a sickly white. The word patch may also be intended to convey something white as one meaning of patch is â€Å"a piece of sticking plaster used to cover and protect a wound or scar.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Great Similes from Literature to Inspire YouHomogeneous vs. HeterogeneousList of Prefixes and Suffixes and their Meanings

Monday, October 21, 2019

Creationalism Vs Evolution Essays - Pseudoscience, Denialism

Creationalism Vs Evolution Essays - Pseudoscience, Denialism Creationalism Vs Evolution Creationism vs. Evolution The majority of people in this world believe that a spiritual being created earth. In fact, most religions and cultures believe the universe was created by a 'creative hand,' either a sky god or some other physical object (Encarta 1). Think of it, as a trial to see which will win, creation or evolution. It has been the most argued debate in all of history, but creationism is more logical than evolution. To first understand what creation is about, we have to know what creation is. The Bible defines creation as the action by God that brought the universe and all its contents into being. The Bible also states, God created great whales and every living creature that moveth, and so God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them (Genesis 1:21, 27). To Doug LaPointe, the author of Top Evidences against the Theory of Evolution, there are nine articles of evidence pointing weaknesses in evolution, or strong points in creation. The first evidence is that there are no links between the fossil record and present times; therefore, there is nothing to show that evolution actually happened. Second, that natural selection cannot advance an organism to a higher order. The third being that although evolutionists believe life just came about, matter resulted from nothing, and humans evolved from animals, all of these are against scientific and nat ural understandings. Fourth, even though evolutionists present them as if they were, the hominids' bones and skull records, for example the famous Lucy, the finds are unrevealing and inconsistent. The fifth and sixth articles of evidence are the nine out of 12 hominids that evolutionists use are really extinct apes, and the other three are modern human beings and not part ape. This would conclude that all of the twelve 'hominids' are something other than hominids and are not half-human, half-ape. Evidence seven and eight show that natural selection has practical, social, and logical inconsistencies. The last evidence says that the rock strata finds are better explained by a universal flood than by evolution, which would show yet more proof in the Bible (LaPointe 1-2). Michael Behe, author of the recent bestseller Darwin's Black Box, states, I was amazed that people believe in evolution when there was this clear argument against it (Behe 3). At first Darwinism was taught at schools, but there were so many flaws that these ideas were turned down, and a different form of evolution was taught. The new form was then taught along with a type of scientific creation (Encarta 2). This shows that schools feel that Darwin was wrong, and Darwin is evolution's top scholar. In order to disprove a way of thinking we must first know what we are trying to disprove. The definition of evolution is the complex process by which living organisms originated on earth and have been diversified and modified through sustained changes in form and function (Encarta 2). Thomas Robert Malthus first stated that the human population was growing too fast for the food supply. This, he said, Is regulated by disease, famine, and war (Infopedia 1). Darwin applied this to animals and plants and came up with the theory of evolution by natural selection. His theory stated that the children of a species intensely compete for survival. Those young that survive to produce the next generation tend to be embodying favorable natural variations and these variations are passed on by heredity. Therefore, each generation will improve adaptively over the preceding generations, and this gradual and continuos process is the source of the evolution of the species (Infopedia 1-2). The notion th at populations of organisms can be transformed over generations into descendant population of different kinds has been suggested repeatedly since the early-recorded history of ideas, but if you trace all the species back to their origin, you would get one object. Now the real part of this argument is right here. How did that one object come into being? It couldn't have happened by mere chance. It did not always exist so there had to be nothing before it. If there was nothing before it, how was it created?

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Biography of Benito Mussolini, Italian Fascist Dictator

Biography of Benito Mussolini, Italian Fascist Dictator Benito Mussolini (July 29, 1883–April 28, 1945) served as Italy’s 40th prime minister from 1922 to 1943. As a close ally of Adolf Hitler during World War II, he is considered a central figure in the birth of European fascism. In 1943, Mussolini was replaced as prime minister and served as the head of the Italian Social Republic until his capture and execution by Italian partisans in 1945. Fast Facts: Benito Mussolini Known For: Mussolini was a fascist dictator who ruled Italy from 1922 to 1943.Also Known As: Benito Amilcare Andrea MussoliniBorn: July 29, 1883 in Predappio, ItalyParents: Alessandro and Rosa MussoliniDied: April 28, 1945 in Giulino, ItalySpouse(s): Ida Dalser (m. 1914), Rachelle Guidi (m. 1915-1945)Children: Benito, Edda, Vittorio, Bruno, Romano, Anna Maria Early Life Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was born on July 29, 1883, in Predappio, a hamlet above Verano di Costa in northern Italy. Mussolini’s father Alessandro was a blacksmith and an ardent socialist who scorned religion. His mother Rosa Maltoni was an elementary school teacher and a devout Catholic. Mussolini had two younger siblings: brother Arnaldo and sister Edvidge. Growing up, Mussolini proved to be a difficult child. He was disobedient and had a quick temper. Twice he was expelled from school for assaulting fellow students with a penknife. Despite all the trouble he caused, however, Mussolini still managed to obtain a diploma and even worked for a short time as a school teacher. Socialist Leanings Looking for better job opportunities, Mussolini moved to Switzerland in July 1902. There he worked a variety of odd jobs and spent his evenings attending local socialist party meetings. One of his jobs was working as a propagandist for a bricklayer trade union. Mussolini took a very aggressive stance, frequently advocated violence, and urged a general strike to create change, all of which led to him being arrested several times. Between his turbulent work at the trade union during the day and his many speeches and discussions with socialists at night, Mussolini soon made enough of a name for himself in socialist circles that he began writing and editing several socialist newspapers. In 1904, Mussolini returned to Italy to serve his conscription requirement in Italy’s peace-time army. In 1909, he lived for a short time in Austria working for a trade union. He wrote for a socialist newspaper and his attacks on militarism and nationalism resulted in his expulsion from the country. After he returned to Italy, Mussolini continued to advocate for socialism and develop his skills as an orator. He was forceful and authoritative, and while frequently wrong in their facts, his speeches were always compelling. His views and his oratory skills quickly brought him to the attention of his fellow socialists. On December 1, 1912, Mussolini began work as the editor of the Italian Socialist newspaper Avanti! Changing Views In 1914, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand set off a chain of events that culminated in the start of World War I. On August 3, 1914, the Italian government announced it would remain strictly neutral. Mussolini initially used his position as editor of Avanti! to urge fellow socialists to support the government in its position of neutrality. However, his views of the war soon changed. In September 1914, Mussolini wrote several articles supporting those who were backing Italy’s entry into the war. Mussolini’s editorials caused an uproar among his fellow socialists and in November of that year after a meeting of the party executives, he was formally expelled from the party. Wounding On May 23, 1915, the Italian government ordered the general mobilization of armed forces. The next day, Italy declared war on Austria, officially joining World War I. Mussolini, accepting his call to the draft, reported for duty in Milan on August 31, 1915, and was assigned to the 11th Regiment of the Bersaglieri (a corps of sharpshooters). During the winter of 1917, Mussolini’s unit was field testing a new mortar when the weapon exploded. Mussolini was severely wounded, with more than 40 pieces of shrapnel embedded in his body. After a long stay at a military hospital, he recovered from his injuries and was discharged from the Army. Turn to Fascism After the war, Mussolini, who had become decidedly anti-socialist, began to advocate for a strong central government in Italy. Soon he was also advocating for a dictator to lead that government. Mussolini wasnt the only one ready for a major change. World War I had left Italy in shambles and people were looking for a way to make the country strong again. A wave of nationalism swept across Italy and many people began to form local nationalist groups. It was Mussolini who, on March 23, 1919, personally assembled these groups into a single, national organization under his leadership. Mussolini called this new group Fasci di Combattimento (the Fascist Party). Mussolini formed groups of marginalized ex-servicemen into squadristi. As their numbers grew, the squadristi were reorganized into the Milizia Volontaria per la Sicuressa Nazionale, or MVSN, which would later serve as Mussolini’s national security apparatus. Dressed in black shirts or sweaters, the squadristi earned the nickname â€Å"Blackshirts.† The March on Rome In the summer of 1922, the Blackshirts made a punitive march through the provinces of Ravenna, Forli, and Ferrara in northern Italy. It was a night of terror; squads burned down the headquarters and homes of every member of both socialist and communist organizations. By September 1922, the Blackshirts controlled most of northern Italy. Mussolini assembled a Fascist Party conference on October 24, 1922, to discuss a coup de main or â€Å"sneak attack† on the Italian capital of Rome. On October 28, armed squads of Blackshirts marched on Rome. Although badly organized and poorly armed, the move left the parliamentary monarchy of King Victor Emmanuel III in confusion. Mussolini, who had stayed behind in Milan, received an offer from the king to form a coalition government. Mussolini then proceeded to the capital supported by 300,000 men and wearing a black shirt. On October 31, 1922, at the age of 39, Mussolini was sworn in as prime minister of Italy. Il Duce After elections were held, Mussolini controlled enough seats in parliament to appoint himself Il Duce (the leader) of Italy. On January 3, 1925, with the backing of his Fascist majority, Mussolini declared himself dictator of Italy. For a decade, Italy prospered in peace. However, Mussolini was intent on turning Italy into an empire and to do that the country needed a colony. In October 1935, Italy invaded Ethiopia. The conquest was brutal. Other European countries criticized Italy, especially for the nations use of mustard gas. In May 1936, Ethiopia surrendered and Mussolini had his empire. This was the height of Mussolinis popularity; it all went downhill from there. Mussolini and Hitler Out of all the countries in Europe, Germany had been the only one to support Mussolinis attack on Ethiopia. At that time, Germany was led by Adolf Hitler, who had formed his own fascist organization, the National Socialist German Worker’s Party (commonly called the Nazi  Party). Hitler admired Mussolini; Mussolini, on the other hand, did not like Hitler at first. However, Hitler continued to support and back Mussolini, such as during the war in Ethiopia, which eventually swayed Mussolini into an alliance with him. In 1938, Italy passed the Manifesto of Race, which stripped Jews in Italy of their Italian citizenship, removed Jews from government and teaching jobs, and banned intermarriage. Italy was following in the footsteps of Nazi Germany. On May 22, 1939, Mussolini entered into the â€Å"Pact of Steel† with Hitler, which essentially tied the two countries in the event of war- and war was soon to come. World War II On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland, initiating the Second World War. On June 10, 1940, after witnessing Germany’s decisive victories in Poland and France, Mussolini issued a declaration of war on France and Britain. It was clear from the very beginning, however, that Mussolini was not an equal partner with Hitler- and Mussolini did not like that. Over time, Mussolini became frustrated both with Hitlers successes and with the fact that Hitler kept most of his military plans a secret from him. Mussolini looked for a means of emulating Hitler’s accomplishments without letting Hitler know about his plans. Against the advice of his army commanders, Mussolini ordered an attack against the British in Egypt in September 1940. After initial successes, the attack stalled and German troops were sent to reinforce the deteriorating Italian positions. Embarrassed by his armies’ failure in Egypt, Mussolini, against the advice of Hitler, attacked Greece on October 28, 1940. Six weeks later, this attack stalled as well. Defeated, Mussolini was forced to ask the German dictator for assistance. On April 6, 1941, Germany invaded both Yugoslavia and Greece, ruthlessly conquering both countries and rescuing Mussolini from defeat. Italy Revolts Despite Nazi Germanys victories in the early years of World War II, the tide eventually turned against Germany and Italy. By the summer of 1943, with Germany bogged down in a war of attrition with Russia, Allied forces began bombing Rome. Members of the Italian Fascist council turned against Mussolini. They convened and moved to have the king resume his constitutional powers. Mussolini was arrested and sent to the mountain resort of Campo Imperatore in Abruzzi. On September 12, 1943, Mussolini was rescued from imprisonment by a German glider team commanded by Otto Skorzey. He was flown to Munich and met with Hitler shortly thereafter. Ten days later, by order of Hitler, Mussolini was installed as head of the Italian Social Republic in Northern Italy, which remained under German control. Death On April 27, 1945, with Italy and Germany on the brink of defeat, Mussolini attempted to flee to Spain. On the afternoon of April 28, on their way to Switzerland to board a plane, Mussolini and his mistress Claretta Petacci were captured by Italian partisans. Driven to the gates of the Villa Belmonte, they were shot to death by a partisan firing squad. The corpses of Mussolini, Petacci, and other members of their party were driven by truck to the Piazza Loreto on April 29, 1945. Mussolinis body was dumped ​in the road and people of the local neighborhood abused his corpse. Some time later, the bodies of Mussolini and Petacci were hung upside down in front of a fueling station. Although they were initially buried anonymously in the Musocco cemetery in Milan, the Italian government allowed Mussolini’s remains to be re-interred in the family crypt near Verano di Costa on August 31, 1957. Legacy Although Italian Fascism was defeated during World War II, Mussolini has inspired a number of neo-fascist and far-right organizations in Italy and abroad, including the People of Freedom party and the Italian Social Movement. His life has been the subject of several documentaries and dramatic films, including Vincere and Benito. Sources Bosworth, R. J. B.  Mussolini. Bloomsbury Academic, 2014.Hibbert, Christopher.  Benito Mussolini: a Biography. Penguin, 1965.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Meiosis; Asexual and Sexual Reproduction; History of Genetics; Assignment

Meiosis; Asexual and Sexual Reproduction; History of Genetics; - Assignment Example Meiosis The process of meiosis is divided into two segments; Meiosis I and Meiosis II. Meiosis I is similar to mitosis and consists of Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I and Telophase I. When the first division comes to an end, there is the formation of two daughter cells and each contains 23 chromosomes and has undergone crossing over. Crossing over is the exchange of genetic material between two chromosomes. Meiosis II consists of the same stages. However the end stage produces four daughter cells each having a different genetic make-up. All four cells convert into sperms in males while in females only one matures as egg or ovum. As mentioned earlier, meiosis plays a very important role in sexual reproduction by causing genetic variations in the offspring. It reduces the number of chromosomes in the parent cells which are egg and sperm, collectively called as gametes or sex cells. Because of this reduction each cell contains only one set each. A process of independent assortment takes place where each allele gets different chromosome varying at any specific locus. Secondly, it also allows crossing-over which results in genetic mix-up between the two parental chromosomes and we see genetic variations in the offspring. Asexual and Sexual Reproduction Asexual reproduction is defined as a type of reproduction where the organism produces an exact copy of itself without any genetic variation or involvement of any other individual. Different organisms reproduce asexually in various manners. For instance bacteria reproduce by binary fission and the yeast by budding. Fragmentation, spore formation and vegetative reproduction are some other forms of asexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction, on the other hand, is a process where two parent organisms create an offspring that has a combination of genetic material from both the parents. Most of the animals and plants reproduce sexually. However there are certain organisms that reproduce both sexually and asexually like star fish, sea anemones, slime molds and aphids. Organisms that reproduce asexually can create descendents in large numbers but since the offspring have very few DNA variations they are all equally vulnerable to diseases. However sexually reproducing organisms undergo genetic variations and the species are stronger in withstanding the harsh environment. The sexual organisms also produce lesser amount of offspring. Because of this reason the organisms that reproduce through both ways, switch towards sexual reproduction under unfavorable conditions. This helps them in acquiring the genetic variations that facilitate them in adapting to the surroundings. However sexual reproduction is an energy requiring process in contrast to asexual reproduction which requires minimal amount of energy. To explain the extensive use of sexual reproduction by organisms, George C. Williams used the example of lottery tickets. Sexual reproduction is like buying few tickets of different numbers which increases the chance of winning. While asexual is like buying loads of tickets with same numbers. This theory is not considered now because of newfound evidences. History of Genetics History of genetics can be traced back to 1866 when the work of Gregor Johann Mendel on pea was pu blished and his theory was recognized as Mendelian Inheritance. He was the first to study the genetic inheritance patterns in the peas and the fact that they followed a certain rule. After this breakthrough in the world of genetics different such theories came into sight. One considerable work was done in 1900 by Hugo de Varies, Carl Correns and Erich von Tschermak and was

Friday, October 18, 2019

Doubt Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Doubt - Movie Review Example The film is set in 1964 at St. Nicholas school, a Roman Catholic School in the Bronx, New York and most of its students are children of Italian and Irish immigrants. They would have great faith in their Church and would never question or doubt anything about mother Church. In the movie, Father Flynn (Philip Seymour Hoffman), a young priest, delivers an important sermon on flagging faith which creates suspicions in Sister Aloysius (Meryl Streep). In his sermon, Father Flynn concentrated on the nature of doubt and noted that doubt, like faith, can be a unifying energy. Sister Aloysius, the strict principal of the school discusses the sermon with her fellow nuns and asks them to find the reasons behind the behaviour of Father Flynn for preaching about doubt. Following this, Sister James (Amy Adams), a young and naive teacher, grudgingly reports a private meeting between Father Flynn and the school's only black student to Sister Aloysius which creates awful suspicion in the principal. Th erefore, one of the central scenes in the movie is the one in which the cheerful, fair-haired Father Flynn preaches a sermon about sharing doubts with others in the community. Father Flynn's appeal to the importance of doubt becomes relevant in the context of the Roman Catholic School in the Bronx, where most of the students are children of Italian and Irish immigrants who would have great faith in their Church and never question or doubt anything about mother Church. However, in a reflective analysis of the theme of doubt in the film, it becomes lucid that the students' trust to the church is because of their nave faith and some doubt in faith would have been preferable, as such doubt of mother Church was possible back in 1964. Through the story of a confrontation between the priest and the nun at a Catholic school in 1964 New York, the film Doubt by John Patrick Shanley establishes the importance of doubt in deepening the nave faith in Catholic Church. Father Flynn, who is the chaplain at St. Nicholas Catholic school in the Bronx in 1964, is a strong believer in the winds of change that are sweeping through the country with integration and through the Catholic Church with Pope John XXIII. Through the character of Father Flynn, the film emphasizes the positive value of doubt in the life of a believer of the Catholic Church, and the winds of change that were sweeping through the Church in 1964 suggests the possibility of a doubt of the mother Church. "He has an easy and relaxed manner with the kids; as a preacher, he enjoys shaking his congregation up. In the opening scene of the film, he speaks about the positive value of doubt in the life of a believer: 'Doubt can be a bond as powerful and sustaining as ce rtainty. When you are lost, you are not alone.'" (Brussat and Brussat, 2009). Therefore, the character of Father Flynn makes a vital point by suggesting the positive value of doubt in the life of a believer and the winds of change that were sweeping through the Church suggested by Father Flynn allude to the possibility of a doubt of the mother Church in 1964. The students at St. Nicholas Catholic School, who are children of Italian and Irish immigrants, have great faith in their Church and would never question or doubt anything about mother Church. In fact, their trust in the Church is too nave and there is great positive value of

Classroom Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Classroom Management - Essay Example These elements are what a good teacher must keep in mind in order to achieve a well-managed classroom. Deviating from the behaviorist theory of education, a teacher who wants to handle a class successfully must remember to make the student the center of everything. In organizing a classroom, the student should be the utmost consideration. From the placement of materials to the arrangement of each chair and tables, the student should be of primary importance. Materials must be arranged in a way the students can easily find them. Also, they must be well-kept so as not to bring any harm to the students. Chairs and tables must be set in a way that brings not only comfort to the student but also puts him in the mindset to study. At times, chairs and tables need to be re-arranged in a certain way so as to pique the curiosity of the students and engage them in the lesson. The teacher should always keep in mind that the arrangement of materials, desks and chairs should facilitate the learning of the class. Motivation comes in many methods. Contrary to the behaviorist theory, it is not only through memorization, drills and practices that a teacher can make a student learn. Motivation is an important aspect of classroom management as this can spell a productive or a boring class. In the assigned video clip (Classroom Management, 1995-2010) , motivation was shown in a pre-lesson activity the teacher had given even before the students entered the classroom. I think this was a very good idea. Teachers should remember that not all students may want to come to class. Some may be sleepy, not interested or just not in the mood that particular day. If the teacher allows these students to come to class, chances are their demeanor would affect the productivity of the class and the effectiveness of the teacher. Motivation should go beyond a list of words to remember or numerous

Thursday, October 17, 2019

How to Reduce Environmental Pollution Using Alternative Energy Sources Essay

How to Reduce Environmental Pollution Using Alternative Energy Sources - Essay Example Nature not only exists for humans alone but also for all species and as such, argues Miller et al. (2008 p, 17) there is need to encourage environmentally friendly forms of economic growth and development and discourage earth degrading forms (such as toxic emission from fossil fuels). It is here that the renewable sources of energy come in to help avert the dangers posed to the environment by the fossil fuels. To what level, it should be asked, do alternative energy sources help arrest the situation? And how ‘clean’ are the alternative sources? The benefits of alternative sources are well known, authoritatively asserts Renewable Energy Resources (2007, p, 207). They produce little or no pollution emissions and reduce dependency on the finite resources. The National Atlas of the US website (2012) also confirms this, but is quick to point out that even though the renewable sources are non-polluting, the structures built to harness them are two edged: they impact both posit ively and negatively on the environment. The intensity of the environmental impact or emissions caused by power generation depends on a number of factors such as the electricity generation technology used, how much electricity is generated, air pollution control devices used, the geographical location among other factors( US Environmental Protection Agency ,2012). A closer look at each of the renewable sources in many ways tries to answer the questions asked above. Solar Power Solar power is arguably the best thing going, at least from the environmental perspective. With it there are no acid rains, no urban smog or pollution of any kind (Alternative Energy, 2013). Clean and sustainably energy, that’s how the US Environmental Protection Agency (2012) describes solar power. Solar... As such, environmental impacts differ depending on the conversion and cooling technology applied Hydropower refers to the use of water to produce electricity. The hydroelectric power plants use dams to store water which is released from behind the dam flowing through a turbine. The water then spins the turbine, turning a generator to produce electricity. It is one of the least expensive sources of electricity. Not only does the dams provide power but also other substantial benefits such as recreation opportunities on upstream reservoirs, habitat for aquatic and terrestrial organisms, diversion of water for irrigation and control of destructive flooding. The environmental impacts of dams vary widely, but current regulations and policies have attempted to address the issues. For example, fish migration has been having been addressed with the use of fish ladders and other structures.In conclusion, renewable sources of energy provide a better alternative to the conventional energy source s, at least with the aim of curbing global warming and pollutant emissions. A shift from the fossil fuels to the renewable sources, therefore, promises a healthier environment. However, there seem to be other factors such as economic growth, population, and consumption of the energy and other resources that are proving to be hindrances in this mission of relieving the overburdened Mother Nature. Unless there is a reduction in energy use and other resources, renewable energy alone cannot achieve this mission of combating global warming.

Prehistory and Ancient Civilizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Prehistory and Ancient Civilizations - Essay Example It is worth making note of the fact that, this covers about ninety nine percent of technological developments in human prehistory...the period extends from hominines like australopithecines who lived about two and a half million years ago to the end of Pleistocene who lived about ten thousand years ago. It is this stage that preceded Mesolithic period. There are so many events that necessitated human evolution namely; the desire to eat cooked food that, led to the invention of fire. The need to find more food that prompted mankind to procedurally better his tools both for hunting and cultivation. The need to protect them not only led to the development of weaponry but also made fire relevant for scaring wild animals (Lubbock, 2002). The desire to acquire items that they did not produce necessitated the commencement of trade or commerce. The unpredictable climatic conditions led to the start up arithmetic to study the stars for hindsight on seasons, the study on weather and climate and arithmetic. This period is distinct with the development of human technology. It began at about ten thousand and two hundred BC, in some parts of the Middle East and later on in other parts of the world. (ASPRO chronology) to between four thousand five hundred and two thousand BC Traditionally regarded as the final part of the Stone Age, this period followed the end Holocene Epipaleolthic period underpinned by the commencement of agriculture which led to the Neleolithic revolution. This period ended with the wide spread of metal tools in the copper age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age (Toth & Schick, 2007). Neolithic period is termed as a progression of cultural, behavioral and cultural elements and transformations such as, man’s adoption of wild fruits and his attempts to start domesticating crops and animals. The on set of Neolithic culture is regarded as Lavant. The culture is said to have developed from the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How to Reduce Environmental Pollution Using Alternative Energy Sources Essay

How to Reduce Environmental Pollution Using Alternative Energy Sources - Essay Example Nature not only exists for humans alone but also for all species and as such, argues Miller et al. (2008 p, 17) there is need to encourage environmentally friendly forms of economic growth and development and discourage earth degrading forms (such as toxic emission from fossil fuels). It is here that the renewable sources of energy come in to help avert the dangers posed to the environment by the fossil fuels. To what level, it should be asked, do alternative energy sources help arrest the situation? And how ‘clean’ are the alternative sources? The benefits of alternative sources are well known, authoritatively asserts Renewable Energy Resources (2007, p, 207). They produce little or no pollution emissions and reduce dependency on the finite resources. The National Atlas of the US website (2012) also confirms this, but is quick to point out that even though the renewable sources are non-polluting, the structures built to harness them are two edged: they impact both posit ively and negatively on the environment. The intensity of the environmental impact or emissions caused by power generation depends on a number of factors such as the electricity generation technology used, how much electricity is generated, air pollution control devices used, the geographical location among other factors( US Environmental Protection Agency ,2012). A closer look at each of the renewable sources in many ways tries to answer the questions asked above. Solar Power Solar power is arguably the best thing going, at least from the environmental perspective. With it there are no acid rains, no urban smog or pollution of any kind (Alternative Energy, 2013). Clean and sustainably energy, that’s how the US Environmental Protection Agency (2012) describes solar power. Solar... As such, environmental impacts differ depending on the conversion and cooling technology applied Hydropower refers to the use of water to produce electricity. The hydroelectric power plants use dams to store water which is released from behind the dam flowing through a turbine. The water then spins the turbine, turning a generator to produce electricity. It is one of the least expensive sources of electricity. Not only does the dams provide power but also other substantial benefits such as recreation opportunities on upstream reservoirs, habitat for aquatic and terrestrial organisms, diversion of water for irrigation and control of destructive flooding. The environmental impacts of dams vary widely, but current regulations and policies have attempted to address the issues. For example, fish migration has been having been addressed with the use of fish ladders and other structures.In conclusion, renewable sources of energy provide a better alternative to the conventional energy source s, at least with the aim of curbing global warming and pollutant emissions. A shift from the fossil fuels to the renewable sources, therefore, promises a healthier environment. However, there seem to be other factors such as economic growth, population, and consumption of the energy and other resources that are proving to be hindrances in this mission of relieving the overburdened Mother Nature. Unless there is a reduction in energy use and other resources, renewable energy alone cannot achieve this mission of combating global warming.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How Does Relationship Marketing Affect Customer Retention in Banking Essay

How Does Relationship Marketing Affect Customer Retention in Banking - Essay Example The researcher states that traditionally there were few government regulated nationalized banks, so banks did not compete to grab customers. The customers were loyal to the banks they went to and it carried on for generations. However, with the increasing number of private banks, the competition in the market has increased. The private banks are offering lucrative financial products along with basic banking facilities. The services are prompt, the procedure is short and fast, which has reduced the problems and increased the operational efficiency of the banks. The concepts of relationship marketing would be discussed in the context of the banking industry. Now the major objective of this study is to identify the significance of relationship marketing, its application, and usage in case of the banking industry. This will assist in informing the readers about the relationship marketing approaches that banks utilize to retain the customers. Since customers have more options, so they kee p switching from one bank to another for short-term profits. The banks now do not depend on customer loyalty; rather they wish to focus on customer retention through customer satisfaction. Keeping in mind the research hypothesis and the objectives of the study, a critical review of the literature would be done, which would assist in understanding the role relationship marketing and technology in the banking industry because technology has acted as a catalyst for relationship marketing to grow in the country.... ature would be done, which would assist in understanding the role relationship marketing and technology in the banking industry because technology has acted as a catalyst for relationship marketing to grow in the country (Bergstrom and Bresnahan, 1996). Literature Review Relationship Marketing Relationship marketing can be defined as a way of marketing that can be developed through direct marketing campaigns, as this will assist in focusing on customer satisfaction and their retention, rather than just concentrate on sales. Relationship marketing is somewhat different from other types of marketing strategies because it considers having long-term relationship with the customers, which will extend beyond the level of general promotion (Bharadwaj, Varadarajan, and Fahy, 1993). As the name suggests, relationship marketing deals with relationship building. In the present times, advancement of technology and growth of mobile and internet platforms has assisted relationship marketing to evo lve and collaborate with the social communication channels. There are many tools which are applied by organizations to maintain strong relationship with the customers (Chang, Chan, and Leck, 1997). In the banking industry, the marketing environment has undergone tremendous change. This is primarily due to changing government policies. The advancing technology has also intensified the competition. These factors have resulted in development of new challenges and behaviours. The loyalty of the customers towards a particular bank has declined due to the increasing level of competition in the industry (Ennew, and Binks, 1996). Nowadays the customers get more number of options and better offers, and the other reason is that the customers prefer to use more than one financial institution in order

Monday, October 14, 2019

Eng Compare and Contrast Essay Example for Free

Eng Compare and Contrast Essay This paper will be examining two theories on personality development; Sigmund Freud’s argument on the three structures of personality and Albert Bandura’s findings on social learning also called observational learning (Witt Mossler, 2010). Sigmund Freud the neurologist based his study on his grown mental patients while Albert Bandura the psychologist based his theory on observing young children within pre-set environments. Both Sigmund Freud and Albert Bandura have two different academic approaches to personality development. Sigmund Freud presented structured mental tendencies (Id, Ego and Super-ego) on personality development while on the other hand Albert Bandura stressed on external influences. Both theories have credible contrasting as well as similar assumptions. A theory can be defined as, â€Å"A coherent set of ideas that helps to explain data and make predictions† (Santrock, 1989, p. 33). Santrock further explained that a theory makes assumptions that can be tested to determine their accuracy. Personality, according to the Oxford Dictionary from http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/personality is the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character. In other words it is the combination of mental, emotional and physical character traits that are peculiar to an individual. The Oxford Dictionary also defined development as â€Å"A specified state of growth or advancement; or a change in situation.† Both Freud’s and Bandura’s theories are based on personality development. Sigmund Freud presented an argument that man’s personality is mainly governed by three different levels of consciousness or mental state; the id, the ego and the super-ego. He argued that the id is a demanding inborn force that drives a newborn to desire food, pass urine, defecate, be warm and gain sexual pleasure. He went on further to argue that the id demands immediate gratification and personal pleasure. It usually wants satisfaction and is ruled by what Freud called the pleasure principle. Freud presented the argument that this kind of self-gratifying behavior in infants is inborn not learned. For example, a young child will shamelessly play with its genitals in pursuit of the pleasure it receives. This child will seek this sexual pleasure regardless of where he/she is, or who is watching because according to Freud’s theory, the id is totally unconscious (Santrock, 1989, p. 34). While on the other hand, Albert Bandura did not present any argument on the children’s inborn nature (Witt Mossler, 2010). However, Bandura focused his study on how external forces such as caregivers and other children around them affected children’s behavior. He argued and demonstrated in his experiments that children carefully observed and modeled or copied the behavior of others around them. He went on further to suggest that those children who watched television also modeled the behavior that they witnessed on the screen. Dr. Bandura demonstrated in his experiment, how children learned and copied aggressive behavior towards a toy clown. He placed the clown along with many other toys and the children in a room. As part of the experiment, several adults walked through the room, each one hitting the clown in passing. The children in the room, after observing the adult behavior, modeled it by hitting the clown without any prompting or provocation. Unlike Sigmund Freud, Albert Bandura had no medical explanation attached to his assumptions. Freud’s next level is the super-ego. It is the conscience that governs behavior that is socially accepted. It is the level that teaches humans to imitate the behavior of his/her caregivers within the environment (Witt Mossler, 2010, p. 5 chapter 2). Similarly Bandura’s social learning states that children imitate the adults around them. This means that their super-ego governs their behavior just as Freud claimed. This is illustrated when girls play dress-up to look just like their mothers and boys display aggressive behavior just like their fathers. This means that Freud’s argument on super-ego which is formed through social learning is the same as Bandura’s observational learning (Witt Mossler, 2010). Freud’s final mental level of personality is the conscious mind named the ego; it balances the demands of the id and the super-ego. According to Freud, the ego makes rational decisions (Santrock, 1989 p. 34). An example of this is a New Yorker’s internal drive (id) to avoid buying a train ticket and jump over the turnstile at the subway station. The super-ego cautions against that behavior because of the probability of getting caught while the conscious, rational ego points away from the long line at the ticket counter and towards ticket vending machines that are available. The ego satisfies both the id (got on the train) and the super-ego (acted within the law). Similarly, Bandura’s social learning theory speaks to conforming to social behavior within the children’s environment (Witt Mossler, 2010). In that the children in his experiments were conforming whether in a good or bad way; the ego will respond to the super-ego (good or evil). Therefore, it can be argued Sigmund Freud the medical doctor/neurologist who based his study on his mentally ill adult patients and Albert Bandura the psychologist who pre-set modeled behavior before young children both arrived at credible assumptions. In most parts, the assumptions have similarities despite Freud’s medical approach as against Bandura’s psychological social environment approach. A significant contrast is the age difference of the subjects that they studied; Freud’s adults and Bandura’s young children. Dr. Sigmund Freud presented structured mental tendencies (Id, Ego and Super-ego) on personality development while on the other hand Dr. Albert Bandura stressed on external influences. Both theories have credible contrasting as well as similar assumptions. REFERENCE http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/personality Santrock, J. W. (1995). Life-Span Development. Dubuque, IA: Brown Benchmark Witt, G. A., Mossler, R. A. (2010). Adult Development Life Assessment. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education Inc

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Major Functions Of The Skin

Major Functions Of The Skin The skin is the largest organ of the body. Measuring between 1.5 and 2.0 square metres in an adult, it forms an extensive contact area with the environment. This contact presents a variety of important challenges, which the skin must meet in order to protect the body. It also provides important opportunities, which the skin uses to maintain homeostasis. Consider the challenges and opportunities posed by contact with the environment and relate them to the major functions of the skin. The integumentary system, consisting of skin, hair and nails, act as a barrier to protect the body from the environment.   Some challenges and opportunities posed to the skin by the environments are; exposure to sunlight/UV Rays, bacteria, mechanical damage, chemical damage and thermal damage. The integumentary system acts as a barrier in three ways: a chemical barrier, a physical barrier and a biological barrier. The integumentary system works with the immune system to create a biological barrier. Specialized cells in the skin find and destroy foreign bacteria. A physical barrier consists of hard, keratinized cells in the nails, skin and hair. These cells especially in skin and nails help protect the internal organs and blood system from external environmental factors. Hair helps to minimalise insects from crawling on the skin, protect the scalp from physical trauma and regulate heat. A chemical barrier is also due to skin. The skin has sweat glands which secrete substances onto the skin that stop the reproduction of bacteria. The skin also produces melanin which acts to protect ultraviolet rays from the sun however despite melanins protective factors excessive sun exposure will eventually damage the skin. 2 Explain how the structures of the skin contribute to its functions. 35% 437.5 Answer The skin is the largest organ in the integumentary system and has 2 major components: the cutaneous membrane or skin and the accessory structures. The cutaneous membrane has 2 components: the epidermis and the dermis. The epidermis is the outer layer of the  skin and the dermis is a layer of  skin  between the  epidermis  and  subcutaneous tissues. The accessory structures consists of hair, nails and multicellular exocrine glands. The epidermis consists of 5 layers; the stratum basale, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum and corneum. The Stratum basale is the outer layer of skin, the  stratum spinosum  is a layer of the  epidermis  found between the  stratum granulosum  and  stratum basale.[1]   This layer helps to prevent dehydration, the  stratum granulosum  is the layer between the  stratum lucidum  and  stratum spinosum, the  stratum lucidum  is a thin, clear layer of dead skin cells. It is found only in areas of thick skin, most noticeably on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet and finally the  stratum corneum  is the outermost layer and is filled with keratin, which is made up of dead cells. The dermis is responsible for the strength of skin. Its main functions are to regulate temperature and to supply the epidermis with nutrient-saturated blood. Much of the bodys water supply is stored within the dermis.  The dermis contains most of the skins specialized cells and structures, including: Blood vessels, lymph vessels, hair  follicles, sweat glands, sebaceous, or oil, glands, nerve endings, collagen  and  elastin. The dermis layer is made up of two sublayers, the papillary layer, which contains a thin arrangement of collagen fibers. The papillary layer supplies nutrients to select layers of the epidermis and regulates temperature. The second is the reticular layer which is thicker and made of thick collagen fibers that are arranged in parallel to the surface of the skin. The reticular layer strengthens the skin, providing structure and elasticity. A layer of tissue that lies immediately below the dermis is the hypodermis or subcutaneous tissue. The hypodermis consists primarily of loose  connective tissue  and lobules of fat and acts as an energy reserve. It contains larger  blood vessels  and nerves  than those found in the dermis.  The hypodermis contains: elastic fibers, fibrous bands, fat, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, hair follicle roots, nerves and muscle. The skin includes the following functions; protection, sensation, heat regulation, control of evaporation, storage and synthesis, absorption, water resistance. The structures of the skin all work together to maintain the important functions. 3 You are exercising on a hot day. Explain two ways in which the integumentary system acts to preserve homeostasis 20% 250 Answer Two ways in which the integumentary system acts to preserve homeostasis are sweating and vasodilation. Homeostasis is a term for your bodys ability to regulate your internal state, and sweating is an example of this. If your body  temperature gets too high, one of the homeostatic mechanisms used to bring your temp back to normal is sweating. Eccrine sweat glands are the major sweat glands of the human body, found in virtually all skin. Sweat is clear secretion that is primarily water and salt (sodium chloride). Sweat reaches the skin via a duct that opens externally as a funnel shaped pore. Eccrine sweat glands are a highly efficient part of the heat regulating system, they are supplied with nerve endings that cause them to secrete sweat when the bodys temperature gets too high. When sweat evaporates off the skins surface it takes body heat with it. On a hot day you could lose up to 7 litres of body water. Another way the integumentary system acts to preserve homeostasis is vasodilation. Blood vessels supplying blood to the skin can swell or dilate called vasodilation. This causes more heat to be carried by the blood to the skin, where it can be lost to the air however if the external environment is as hot as or hotter than the body the only way to release heat is through evaporation of perspiration. This is an efficient source of heat loss as long as the air is dry, if it is humid evaporation occurs at a much slower rate leaving the person hot and irritated. When the body cools down the hypothalamus through the autonomic nervous system tells the heat loss centre to switch off. 4 Indicate how ageing affects the skin and explain how these changes affect its normal function. 15% Answer As people age their epidermal cell replacement slows therefore the skin begins to thin resulting in an increase of bruising and other types of injury. The lubricating substances provided by the skin glands that provides young looking and soft skin start to become less efficient, resulting in dry itchy skin. Elastic fibers and collagen fibers become fewer and stiffer so the skin has much less elasticity resulting in wrinkles. The decrease in numbers of melanocytes and langerhans cells produced can enhance the risk of skin cancer in older age, especially if alot of ultraviolet rays are absorbed. UV rays are a major contribution to the rapidity of skins aging. Over time, the suns rays damage certain fibers in the skin called elastin. The breakdown of elastin fibers causes the skin to sag and take longer to heal. Ageing also affects things below the skin; loss of fat below the skin may result in loosening skin, bone loss after the age of 60 can cause puckering of the skin around the mouth, cartilage loss in the nose causes drooping of the nasal tip. Smokers also tend to have more wrinkles than non-smokers of the same age. Skin changes associated with ageing pose particular problems for nurses caring for elderly people. 5 Outline the nursing principles involved in skin care in the elderly. 15% Answer Elderly patients are prone to skin tears, ulcers, abrasions, irritation and infection especially if they are diabetic. If proper skin care is not adhered to, it can result in sores, dry/painful skin and even gangrene. When an elderly patient is bathing the temperature of the water should be warm rather than hot as elderly peoples skin does not contain as much oil as it once did, if all the oil is washed away, their skin is more susceptible to breaking, which can lead to infection. A mild soap should always be used as it is not harsh on their skin and helps prevent it from becoming dry. Due to the loss of natural oils in the skin, it is necessary to apply a moisturizing lotion after a bath and multiple times through the day. Using a moisturizer helps reduce the itchiness, and the likelihood of infection. It is not uncommon for some elderly patients to be confined to their bed 24 hours a day. This is when skin care is vital, especially if they are incontinent of bowel and bladder, washing and drying the area regularly can reduce the risk of a fungal infection forming. Elderly skin must be observed regularly to check for changes such as moles. MARK SHEET. Workbook 3 Integumentary system Question Marks out of 100 Marks Awarded 1st marker 2nd marker Agreed 1 15 2 35 3 20 4 15 5 15 Total 100 Final Agreed Mark Workbook 1 Workbook 2 Workbook 3 Final Percentage

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Different Strands of Feminism: Comparing Equal Rights Feminism, and Socialist Feminism :: Womens Studies

Different Strands of Feminism: Comparing Equal Rights Feminism, and Socialist Feminism With the developments going on in England during the 19th century, a new social class started to emerge, a middle class whose wealth came from land, trade, the professions, or industry. It was from this class that a great deal of the women working for the women's right movement emerged from in the 19th century, since they were the ones that experienced the deprivation of rights which men from this class had won. In 1897 in England the women's movement reunited in the National Union of Women's Suffrage Society, and from here on more women, from both the middle-class, and the working class began allying with the new Labor Party to advocate for the right os workers in general. However, the new reunited women's movement split again in 1906 when feminist lost patient after a deputation of 300 women meet with the prime minister to request the vote, and got instead an advice to be patient. From here on the English women's movement concentrated in winning the vote, but split into two r ival parties, the National Union of Women's Suffrage Society(NUWSS) led by Millicent Garrett Fawcett, and the Women's Social and Political Union(WSPU), led by Emmiline Goulden Pankhurst. Faweet took the prime minister, and peacefully, and patiently continued working to get the vote. She believed that the parliamentary democracy would eventually acknowledge women's right to the vote. So she dedicated to expand membership of NUWSS, to promote publically the demand for the vote, through speaking tours, and distribution of their journal, The Common Cause, and to lobby Liberal Politician to vote in favor of women's suffrage. They repudiated the use of violent tactics. Pankhurst on the other hand completely discarded the advice of the prime minster. She believed that of the vote was to be gain, then action had to be taken. Pankusrt actively spoke to gain the vote whenever a Liberal politician spoke. She participated in local and national suffrage demonstrations, at personal risk. WSPU follows this tactics, they disrupted meeting, organized demonstrations such as open-air rallies. In spite of all this government still did not act, so the WSPU turned to more violent ta ctic. They broke windows, poured liquid down mail boxes, cut telegraph wire, and curve "Votes for Women" in golf courses. They often encounter arrest, to which they responded with hunger strikes.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Life Cycle Analysis of Aviation Products

INTRUDUCTIONIt is very easy to question a nation for its decision to retire seemingly useful aircraft, but there are many economic factors that need to be taken into account.  We often hear about how much it costs to buy any particular model of plane, but people often underestimate just how expensive it is to operate and maintain aircraft. Not only do you have to consider the direct costs of flying the plane (pilot pay, fuel, and other consumables), but also the costs of pilot training, the costs of parts and labor to perform routine maintenance, the costs of training ground crew to perform that maintenance, the costs of obtaining and maintaining support equipment needed to service the planes, and the costs of the facilities needed to perform this service and maintenance. We often lump all these factors together into the â€Å"life-cycle cost† of an airplane.GENERAL DISCUSIONLife Cycle Cost is extremely important when determining whether to retain or replace aircraft, acquir e new or used aircraft, and in evaluating the total economics of competing aircraft whether purchasing, financing, or leasing. With this program you can predict Cash Flows and Net Present Values and compare different forms of ownership.As aircraft have become increasingly complex, the life-cycle costs associated with maintaining sophisticated equipment and training crew to operate and service that equipment have grown substantially. For this reason, we see a trend in militaries around the world to standardize on as few types of aircraft as possible. By operating only a couple types of planes, a military can consolidate its training and servicing activities thereby minimizing the amount of money needed for aircraft operations and maintenance.This motivation is likely a major factor in the business decision to eliminate their old aircraft. The business can instead focus its maintenance and training budgets on a few designs, which tend to share much in common, as opposed to siphoning o ff a large chuck of that money to support a completely different design. Understanding and modeling factors related to learning, economics, marketing, risks, and uncertainty can enable designers to design more cost-effective systems. The importance of developing comprehensive life cycle cost models cannot be over emphasized with reference to affordable systems. Particular areas of concern include production cost, estimating, organizational learning, pricing and marketing, sub-contracting production, and predicting competitors’ cost.In addition to the component of the cost estimation, usually the focal point of most cost models, accurate modeling of all factors related to the production, operations, and support is necessary to generate calibrated life cycle cost profiles. Basic engineering economics can be used for determining price once the cost has been estimated. Interest formulas are available for predicting rates of return and other indicators of profitability. However th e complex models used for life cycle cost prediction must utilize algorithm for stimulating additional factors as organizational learning and manufacturing processes.The three primary component f the system life cycle are non recurring costs, recurring costs, and operations and support costs. According to Apgar, H. (1993) there are two principal objectives for an life cycle cost trade study as the identification of the design and production process alternatives which meet minimum performance requirements; both at the lowest average unit production cost, and   at the lowest operation and support cost per operating hour.A full range of cost models exists today, from detailed part-level models, based on direct engineering and manufacturing standard factors, to conceptual design level life cycle models. While most of the conceptual design level models are parametric and weight/complexity-based, much research is being conducted to develop feature-, activity-, and/or process-based model s. Many of the detailed models use measured data from the shop floor for the regression analysis and algorithm development. At the other end of the spectrum are the top-level, parametric cost estimating models for life cycle estimates. Few models exist between the two ends of the modeling spectrum; no suitable methods have been demonstrated for a model that accepts multifidelity data from multiple levels of product analysis within an integrated design environment.Detailed estimates of direct materials and hours used for fabrication and assembly of the aircraft major structural components (accommodating the many and varied material types; product forms such as sheets, extrusions, fabrics, etc.; and construction types utilized in advanced technology aircraft structures) will replace the weight/complexity-based algorithm for estimating the aircraft cost in the top-level, parametric life cycle cost model. These differentials in the aircraft cost estimates due to fabrication and assembly alternatives will propagate via the system roll up cost through the life cycle for production, operation, and support for the entire system.With such a tool/model, the designer will be able to determine sensitivities in the top-down life cycle cost model to changes or alternatives evaluated in the bottom-up cost model. It will be possible to calculate sensitivities and design for robustness with the life cycle cost model due to perturbations of some factors such as entities external to the manufacturer; functions internal to the manufacturer, but external to manufacturing; and processes internal to the manufacturer.The manufacturer cannot control certain factors external to the enterprise. For instance, the number of aircraft ordered, the times of the orders and the corresponding payment schedule, interest rates, and projected inflation rates are not variables over which the manufacturer has complete control. The monthly or annual production rates; sub-contracting decisions; learni ng curve effects; and manufacturing, and sustaining costs are factors that are internal to the enterprise, but can be categorized in a higher level than the actual material purchasing, processing, fabrication, and assembly. The sequences of activities and processes used for fabrication and assembly are assumed to be internally controlled by the manufacturer.The lowest level of the life cycle cost model consists of the cost estimation for the aircraft, based upon the direct engineering and manufacturing estimates for its major structural components. The highest level includes determination and distribution of the non-recurring and recurring production costs, as well as the operations and support costs over the entire life cycle of the aircraft.According to Febrycky, W.J., and Blanchard, B.S. (1991) that a through understanding of certain economic theories must be achieved before any reasonable life cycle cost analysis can be undertaken. Alternative instruments can be compared against each other or a fair basis only if their respective benefits and costs are converted to an equivalent economic base, with appropriate consideration for the time value of money. Three factors are involved when determining the economic equivalence of sums of money. They are the amounts of the sums, the times of occurrence of the sums, and the interest rate. Interest formulas are functions of all three. These functions are used for calculating the amounts occurring at different periods of time.The life cycle cost analysis of aircraft comprises the following capabilities. The unit production costs are estimated with a series of experimental equations for generating airframe component manufacturing costs for specific classes of aircraft. According to Lee, P. (1994) that a theoretical First Unit Cost is generated by summing the respective component costs of the airframe, propulsion, avionics and instrumentation, and final assembly. Most of the structural component cost equations are weig ht-based. Engine costs are based on the thrust, the quantity produced, and the cruise Mach number.Alternatively, the actual price/cost of the engine can be specified as input parameters. Another series of exponential equations is used to calculate the production costs based upon the total number of vehicles produced. The average unit airplane costs, either including or excluding airframe and engine spares, are also calculated. A comparison of the average aircraft manufacturing costs versus the quantity of aircraft produced is provided. The elements of the total vehicle cost can be reduced with user-specified learning curves for the airframe, avionics, propulsion, assembly, and fixed equipment. For a specified production rate, ship set, and average aircraft selling prices, the manufacturer’s cumulative and annual cash flows are calculated.The annual and cumulative aircraft deliveries are calculated first, based upon an input production rate schedule. The manufacturing cost is the sum of the production costs of all operational vehicles produced each year. The cost to manufacture one vehicle includes airframe cost, propulsion cost, avionics and instrumentation cost, and the cost of final assembly. The manufacturer’s sustaining costs are the total production costs minus the cost of the operational vehicles and the manufacturer’s profit fee. Ten elements constitute the total sustaining costs: airframe and engine spares, facilities, sustaining engineering, sustaining tooling, ground support equipment, training equipment, initial training, and initial equipment. The sustaining costs are distributed equally for each aircraft over the same months in which each aircrafts manufacturing costs are distributed.CONCLUSIONThere is normally a conflict between cost-effective choices and affordable choices for alternative designs. Today, the desire for cost-effectiveness is often sacrificed to the practical considerations of the available funding with the de velopment of more complexes and comprehensive life cycle cost modes that can accept and process multifidelity data within an integrated design environment, it will be possible to better calculate the cost-effectiveness and affordability of future systems. Then it may be possible to have a system that is ultimately cost-effective, yet still affordable.REFERENCEApgar, H. (1993). Design-to-Life-Cycle-Cost in Aerospace, Aerospace Design Conference, Irvine CA.Febrycky, W.J., and Blanchard, B.S. (1991). Life-Cycle Cost and Economic Analysis, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.Lee, P. (1994). A Process Oriented Parametric Cost Model, Aerospace Design Conference, Irvine CA.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Propaganda speech Essay

?Homework. Why should we spend our afternoons slaving away doing work that no one wants to do, including the teachers. Teachers spend hours writing out the homework they want us to finish, and when we hand it in, they spend even more hours marking work when they would rather be doing something else, don’t lie teachers, I’ve heard you complain about marking hundreds of pieces of paper about the same exact thing, wouldn’t you rather spend your spare time with your friends and family, no, instead you have to mark other kids repetitive and most likely badly done homework. Homework puts unwanted stress on students, we panic for hours about whether or not we did do enough research, we worry about whether or not we did the homework how the teacher wanted, we sit and hope that we got that good grade our parents were pushing for. We students are forced to spend our afternoons slaving away in front of computers and books doing work that would be much easier and quicker done in class, when work is done in class we are more motivated to finish it, the teachers can hold over our heads the promise of leaving early, the promise of the last five minutes of class being free time, when we are at home there are many distractions such as television, TVs are in almost every teenagers room, providing quick relief from homework, what about the internet, it can be accessed almost anywhere, there is no more tempting distraction than the internet . And what example is being set for children, you go to school and do your work, and when you get home the work doesn’t stop, we aren’t allowing a balance that will assist student when they go out to the workforce. Students have other commitments that don’t include homework, just like the teachers. Some of them have after school activities such as part time work, driving lessons, plans with their friends, and many of them do after school sports, all of which are affected by homework. They get homework at school and realise that their plans are gone. They can’t go to that movie they had been planning on going to for days with their friends, they don’t have time to rest and relax when they get home from netball or tennis or soccer they have to finish their homework. Homework prevents socialisation that is necessary for the proper development of kids and teenagers. Homework can also be blamed for students staying inside all the time, if we have homework, we rush home to finish it, burning the daylight trying to finish so we have time to do something outside, but by the time we finish the mountains of homework, the sun is gone and all that is left to do is stay inside and eat and watch television, leading to the high numbers of childhood obesity. Nelson Mandela once said ‘after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb’. I think this famous quote applies to this situation, no matter how much homework we do or how well done it is, there is always more homework the next day, the next week, it never ends. The topic has been debated and debated, is homework really beneficial for school students, schools are already trialling the no homework idea, and it’s working, so should we have to toil away doing homework while they spend their days having fun, and my answer is NO, it needs to be removed from the school system is what I say, will you agree?

Manager’s Function, Skills and Role Essay

This page investigates the skills, roles and functions of Management. For any organisation to achieve the goals it has established and be successful it needs managers to correctly implement and understand the functions, skills and roles involved in the managerial process. How these are applied will vary depending on what level of management a particular manager is involved in (high, middle, low) and the organisation. Regardless of these two factors all management decisions focus on the efficient and effective use of resources for the benefit of the organisation, in the direction of its desired goals and/or objectives. The Functions of Management The four functions of management are planning, organising, leading and controlling (Davidson et al, 2009. p.13). Planning involves reviewing the current situation and generating a plan that will allow the organisation to meet its established goals and objectives (Selley, 2009). This could entail generating a plan to increase profit and detail how this will be achieved (focus on capturing a larger market share or perhaps moving into a new market). Correct planning ensures there is a degree of focus, while also providing a structured timeline that relevant stakeholders can adhere too. The second stage is organising, this is where management prepares for the task ahead by delegating resources and responsibilities, as efficiently and effectively as possible (Pakhare, 2011). During this stage management would consider the different departments and divisions within its organisation and provide authority and tasks as necessary. An organisation that wants to increase its profit might use the organising stage to outline the roles of marketing (investigate and promote new market share) and separate these from the accounting department (assess the viability by calculating projected sales and expenses) while also ensuring they all have the necessary resources to complete the work. Davidson et al. defines leading as the process of getting members to work together for a common interest (2009. p.14). Leading requires a manager to have a positive influence on people while also inspiring them to complete their jobs (making this vital in low-middle management), this in turn improves their job performance through a positive work environment (Expert Manage, 2011). It is important to establish this positive environment to ensure that deadlines set in the initial planning stage can be met and resources are not being wasted. The final stage in the function of management is controlling, this stage is important in the establishment of performance standards and ensuring these standards are adhered too while also taking corrective actions against deviation. If for example deadlines are not being met the manager should investigate, if they this was due to incorrect original estimates relating to the workload required, the manager could increase staffing for the particular project. Management has been described as a social process involving responsibility for economical and effective planning & regulation of operation of an enterprise in the fulfillment of given purposes. It is a dynamic process consisting of various elements and activities. These activities are different from operative functions like marketing, finance, purchase etc. Rather these activities are common to each and every manger irrespective of his level or status.Different experts have classified functions of management. According toGeorge & Jerry, â€Å"There are four fundamental functions of management i.e. planning, organizing, actuating and controlling†. According to Henry Fayol, â€Å"To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to command, & to control†. Whereas Luther Gullick has given a keyword ’POSDCORB’ where P stands for Planning, O for Organizing, S for Staffing, D for Directing, Co for Co-ordination, R for reporting & B for Budgeting. But the most widely accepted are functions of management given by KOONTZ and O’DONNEL i.e.Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Controlling.| For theoretical purposes, it may be convenient to separate the function of management but practically these functions are overlapping in nature i.e. they are highly inseparable. Each function blends into the other & each affects the performance of others. 1. Planning It is the basic function of management. It deals with chalking out a future course of action & deciding in advance the most appropriate course of actions for achievement of pre-determined goals. According to KOONTZ, â€Å"Planning is deciding in advance – what to do, when to do & how to do. It bridges the gap from where we are & where we want to be†. A plan is a future course of actions. It is an exercise in problem solving & decision making. Planning is determination of courses of action to achieve desired goals. Thus, planning is a systematic thinking about ways & means for accomplishment of pre-determined goals. Planning is necessary to ensure proper utilization of human & non-human resources. It is all pervasive, it is an intellectual activity and it also helps in avoiding confusion, uncertainties, risks, wastages etc. 2. Organizing It is the process of bringing together physical, financial and human resources and developing productive relationship amongst them for achievement of organizational goals. According to Henry Fayol, â€Å"To organize a business is to provide it with everything useful or its functioning i.e. raw material, tools, capital and personnel’s†. To organize a business involves determining & providing human and non-human resources to the organizational structure. Organizing as a process involves: * Identification of activities. * Classification of grouping of activities. * Assignment of duties. * Delegation of authority and creation of responsibility. * Coordinating authority and responsibility relationships. 3. Staffing It is the function of manning the organization structure and keeping it manned. Staffing has assumed greater importance in the recent years due to advancement of technology, increase in size of business, complexity of human behavior etc. The main purpose o staffing is to put right man on right job i.e. square pegs in square holes and round pegs in round holes. According to Kootz & O’Donell, â€Å"Managerial function of staffing involves manning the organization structure through proper and effective selection, appraisal & development of personnel to fill the roles designed un the structure†. Staffing involves: * Manpower Planning (estimating man power in terms of searching, choose the person and giving the right place). * Recruitment, selection & placement. * Training & development. * Remuneration. * Performance appraisal. * Promotions & transfer. 4. Directing It is that part of managerial function which actuates the organizational methods to work efficiently for achievement of organizational purposes. It is considered life-spark of the enterprise which sets it in motion the action of people because planning, organizing and staffing are the mere preparations for doing the work. Direction is that inert-personnel aspect of management which deals directly with influencing, guiding, supervising, motivating sub-ordinate for the achievement of organizational goals. Direction has following elements: * Supervision * Motivation * Leadership * Communication Supervision- implies overseeing the work of subordinates by their superiors. It is the act of watching & directing work & workers. Motivation- means inspiring, stimulating or encouraging the sub-ordinates with zeal to work. Positive, negative, monetary, non-monetary incentives may be used for this purpose. Leadership- may be defined as a process by which manager guides and influences the work of subordinates in desired direction. Communications- is the process of passing information, experience, opinion etc from one person to another. It is a bridge of understanding. 5. Controlling It implies measurement of accomplishment against the standards and correction of deviation if any to ensure achievement of organizational goals. The purpose of controlling is to ensure that everything occurs in conformities with the standards. An efficient system of control helps to predict deviations before they actually occur. According to Theo Haimann, â€Å"Controlling is the process of checking whether or not proper progress is being made towards the objectives and goals and acting if necessary, to correct any deviation†. According to Koontz & O’Donell â€Å"Controlling is the measurement & correction of performance activities of subordinates in order to make sure that the enterprise objectives and plans desired to obtain them as being accomplished†. Therefore controlling has following steps: * Establishment of standard performance. * Measurement of actual performance. * Comparison of actual performance with the standards and finding out deviation if any. * Corrective action. Management Skills While a solid grasp of management functions is important management should also have a sound skill base, a report by Hay’s Group suggests this is a weak area for most individuals in management and is one of the biggest threats to business success (Financial Advisor, 2007). These skills include but are not limited to technical, interpersonal and conceptual skills. â€Å"Technical skills are those necessary to accomplish or understand the specific work being done in an organisation,† (Davidson et al, 2009. p.19). These technical skills are used mostly at the lower levels of management and are obtained through experience and training. An example of technical skills could be introducing and teaching a new accountant the accounting system used by the firm. Interpersonal skills focus on the ability to work with, motivate and communicate with other people (Hahn, 2007). This skill is very important for managers to create a strong relationship between both individuals and groups within the organisation (Dale, 2008, p.121) this will ensure that there is trust and respect between these parties, allowing tasks to be completed effectively and efficiently. The final core skill of management is conceptual thinking, this is the ability to consider a situation both abstractly and logically in order to come to the correct decision based on internal and external environments (Griffin, 2011. p.179). Globalisation has made this skill extremely important for managers (especially those in high-level positions), as they must be able to break-down and analyse information to make immense decisions that potentially have a worldwide impact. Management Roles Through numerous managerial roles the skills discussed above are put into practice. Mitzberg’s observations and research suggest that a manger’s role can be split into ten roles and three categories; interpersonal (management through people), informational (management through information) and decisional (management through action) (Daft and Marcic, 2010. p.17). Interpersonal roles naturally form an important part of being a manager and relate to activities involving other people. Some interpersonal tasks could involve being a figurehead and speaking at important organisation ceremonies, motivating employees through leadership or serving as a liaison between different departments (Davidson et al, 2009. p.18). Informational roles are focused on the processing of information, this could include seeking out information while also analysing and monitoring for relevant changes that apply to the organisation, communicating information to your co-workers or being a spokesperson on behalf of the organisation (MindTools, 2011). Informational roles require quick and thorough processing of information and resilience to information overload. The final category is decisional which requires decisions to be made using the information provided. This could require developing innovate ideas, serving as a mediator to resolve conflict, allocating resources within the organisation and negotiating on the organisations behalf. A manager involved in a decisional role must have strong problem solving abilities, be able to prioritise and have good negotiation skills. Reference List Daft, R. Marcic, D. Woods, 2010, Understanding Management, 7nd edition, Cengage Learning. Davidson, P. Simon, A. Woods, P & Griffin, R.W. 2009, Management: Core concepts and applications, 2nd edition, Wiley, Brisbane. Expert Manage 2010, Four Functions of Management, viewed 23 August 2011,http://www.expertmanage.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=122&Itemid=166 Financial Adviser 2007, ‘Middle managers are lacking skills,’ 22 February, p.1 Griffin, R.W. 2011, Fundamentals of Management, Cengage Learning. Hahn, M. 2005, Management Skills, viewed 24 August 2011, http://en.articlesgratuits.com/management-skills-id1586.php Mind Tools 2009, Mintzberg’s Management Roles, viewed 23 August 2011,http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/management-roles.htm Pakhare, J 2010, Management Concepts – The Four Functions of Management, Buzzle, viewed 22 August 2011,http://www.buzzle.com/articles/management-concepts-the-four-functions-of -management.html Selly, N 2009, How the four functions of management leads to business success, Helium, viewed 22 August 2011,http://www.helium.com/items/1586308-why-fayols-functions-of-management-can-avoid-failure-in-business-and-lead-to-business-success